Receiving a safe driver discount can mean huge savings in yearly auto insurance premiums. How do you know whether you qualify for these savings? While eligibility requirements vary from one insurance company to another, your insurance provider typically examines your motor vehicle record (MVR) for the state in which you have been issued a drivers license to determine whether you qualify.
Are you a safe driver? Most people have a general idea of what their driving record looks like, but sometimes there are a few surprises. To eliminate any uncertainty, it is a good idea to request a copy of your motor vehicle record from the New Hampshire Department of Safety Division of Motor Vehicles (NHDOS/DMV) or from your auto insurance provider. Click here for answers to frequently asked questions, along with the form you need to obtain your MVR from the NHDOS/DMV.
Reading your Motor Vehicle Record
Once you have obtained your motor vehicle record, it is crucial to carefully review it and correct any errors. An especially important piece of information is the number of points on your record. The points are a demerit type of system; ascending from minor infractions to serious offenses, each type of violation or crime has a representative point value. In New Hampshire, the least serious violations are valued at one point whereas the most egregious offenses are valued at six points. The more points you have accumulated, the higher your auto insurance premium will be.
Most points stay on your record for a total of three years in New Hampshire. Points acquired from major violations and driving-related crimes may never come off your record and may permanently keep you from qualifying for a safe driver discount. However, it’s best to check with your insurance provider to be certain. Moreover, if you are proactively attempting to lower your point total, consider enrolling in a Driver Improvement Program (Safe Driver Course) that is recognized by your insurance provider and accredited by the State of New Hampshire. Click here for additional information regarding accredited Driver Improvement Courses in New Hampshire.
What’s it All Worth?
Depending on where you are buying your auto insurance, completion of an accredited Driver Improvement Program can save you five to 15 percent on your yearly auto insurance premium. With some insurance providers, qualifying for a safe-driver discount opens doors to eligibility for other types of discounts, further reducing your auto insurance rate.
Although the primary benefit of becoming a safer driver is the ability to keep yourself and your passengers safe on the road, real economic value accompanies safe driving as well.
At Knapton, Reade & Woods, our job as independent insurance agents is to find you the best coverage at the most competitive rates, ensuring that you receive all of the discounts for which you are eligible. Call us today at 603-464-3422 to find out whether you qualify for a safe driver discount and perhaps other savings that accompany your status as a safe driver, or click here to submit our online quote form to get a free auto insurance quote. For additional insurance resources and money-saving tips, please read our blog, or visit us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google+.