by Knapton Insurance | Oct 16, 2013 | Auto Insurance, Driving Safety Tips, Safety Tips
When a vehicle breaks down in the slippery winter season, freezing temperatures, precipitation, icy roads, limited visibility, and weather delays can strand motorists in life-threatening situations. Having a well-stocked winter survival kit in your vehicle will help...
by Knapton Insurance | May 2, 2013 | Auto Insurance, Driving Safety Tips, Insurance
It is no surprise that insurance companies prefer to insure safe drivers. From the insurance company’s perspective, fewer accidents mean fewer claims and fewer claims lead to significant savings. As a result, insurance companies often reward safe drivers with lower...
by Knapton Insurance | Mar 22, 2013 | Driving Safety Tips, Safety Tips
Although it’s likely coincidental, doesn’t it seem like children get hungry or bored as soon as they get in the car? Whether you’re driving across town or across the country, many parents can identify with the sounds of “I’m hungry,” “I’m bored,” and “Are we there...